News & Updates

Irish Income Tax published by Bloomsbury

Staff in PMQ are busy spending their weekends on the 2014 edition of Irish Income Tax the leading textbook published by Bloomsbury. The book has been authored by Purcell McQuillan since 2013 and runs to over 2,000 pages. If any tax consultant has comments on the book; good or bad we would be delighted to […]

Budget Briefing 2014

Introduction The aim of Budget 2014, announced in the Dail this afternoon by the Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan (two months earlier than normal) is to reach a deficit target of 4.8% by the end of 2014. The overall budget of €2.5 billion includes €1.2 billion in revenue savings (inclusive of €500 million carried forward […]

Finance (No.2) Act 2013

We are pleased to enclose our commentary on Finance (No. 2) Act 2013. The Act is shorter than recent Acts being only 103 pages compared with over 170 pages for Finance Act 2013. The Act contains a number of pro-business measures announced by the Minister in his Budget speech as follows: the retention of the […]

Tax Update on Current Tax Developments

Criticisms of Irish Corporation Tax Regime Ireland’s corporation tax regime has come under much criticism from two sides in recent times. On the one side, the UK’s spending watchdog, the Public Accounts Committee, has called on HM Revenue and Customs to investigate Google due to the fact that although it generated sales of $18 billion […]